
Saturday, 28 September 2013

Are these trends trendy to you?

This week in class we talked all about the trends of family life happening all over the world. The definition of a family is definitely changing, no longer is it a husband and wife with their children. It can be step parents, unmarried parents, single parents, and sometimes not blood or legal relation at all.. The variety of family is evolving, people who don’t have love in their family look for it some place else, that could be an extended family or even a group of friends that you consider family.

So what measures family?
I was raised with God's definition of a traditional family, but the evolving definition is altered because religion isn't the model anymore. Our world is changing with views on the family. My question is, is this good or bad?

We may be able to answer this question by looking at the trend in society that are effecting families....
Divorce rates is a big one that effects a lot of conflict between families, although the numbers are not increasing as rapidly. This change can be explained by another trend, people are simply delaying marriage. Now this isn't a trend that will ruin our society but it has many results. Such as if people are getting married later in life then they are also delaying children. Another factor that adds to this is cohabitation, as couples feel that if they live together before marriage that they will have a stronger marriage, when in fact studies show that marriages are more likely to end in divorce if the couple cohabited because there was no commitment. 

I want to take a minute to talk about the effects of divorce. Now I understand that sometimes divorce is necessary. But to avoid this I think that couples really need to consider if marriage is the best route for them. I think that sometimes people find marriage too hard and give up, but they then come to regret that decision (70% regret!) because once you are in the process of divorce it is hard to get out and attorneys are pushing you to do it. 25% 1st marriages end in divorce and 60% 2nd marriages end in divorce, and it is found that divorce is more likely in 2nd marriages when children are involved.

Divorce can create so many conflicts between children and step-parents. In some cases step-parents can't connect with the children and the divorced parent may want to go back to the biological father. The unity of parents is complex after divorce and can create conflict and resentment to another parent…also if a step parent tries to parent the child, the child may resent them and manipulate parents to get their own way.

These are all common situations that can happen in divorce and it can get very messy! I believe that almost all marriages can be resolved and that they shouldn't be rushing to divorce, especially if children are involved.

All of these trends are damaging families and in result our society and the views on family values are diminishing. Families are so important and the values and principles need to be protected and cherished. 

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