
Friday, 25 October 2013

He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me right?!

How do you know if he or she is the one? Can you really know?

I have to be honest, my husband and I only dated for 2 months (knowing each other for 3 months) before we decided to get engaged. 7 months later we were married...and VERY happy.

I have to clarify that this was definitely not the plan. I wanted to graduate college, go home to England and then settle down. Turns out I met my husband my first week of college my freshman year. Yep. I learned that we don't need a plan, just go with it. I'm not saying just marry the first guy you fall in love with or think that they could be the one, there's a little bit more than that. 

My personal decision that my husband was the right one for me is that I could picture myself being with him forever and eternity (that's a long time so I knew that something was up). Then I asked the Lord, "Is he the one?"...He said go get him! We spent everyday together, when we weren't in class or sleeping we were with each other. When I truly knew that it was the real deal is when we were long distance for 3 months while we were about tough.

It is definitely a decision that should not be taken lightly. I used to mock the couple that got engaged after a few weeks of knowing each other and married within a month. But I get it now. For us the Lord had to give us a little nudge and tell us to stop waiting (we were planning on dating a year before we even talked about marriage...oops).

I think that it is important to have expectation in a marriage, but we can't become obsessed with them, that is when we become surprised and think that our Prince Charming isn't so charming anymore. Nobody is perfect, it's true. 

So the key is to have a plan and standard, but don't be disappointed if that plan gets altered a little. Simple right?

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